Tuesday, October 9, 2012



Market (Soko Kuu)Market in Bukoba
The Bukoba market is fairly large and in the centre of town. There are sections for fruits, vegetables, matoke, grains, meat, fish, clothing, and assorted items both in and around the covered market area. Most food items are sold by the kilogram. Prices for some goods are marked, but most prices are negotiable and you should feel free to bargain. (You may get a lower price or discount if you ask in Kiswahili, smile, visit the same vendor frequently, buy large quantities, etc.). Some fruits and vegetables are easy to find in Bukoba (cucumbers, potatoes, watermelons) all organically grown and non genetically modified crops. Supermarkets

  • Blue Shop - Western-type shop, sells a variety of products. It is one of the few places where brown flour can be found.
  • Cash & Carry - Many packaged western goods, including bread and many types of biscuits and soft drinks. Customers themselves select items from shelves like in most Western supermarkets. Open daily until 9:00 pm, closed during lunch (about 1 to 2:30).
  • Cosmopolitan Provision Store ("Mama Cosmo") - Many western goods, including two types of cheese and many types of beer by the case and wine. You must ask for each item. Open daily 8.30 am – 6.00 pm (closes for lunch briefly in non hours.
  • Discount Shoppers - Across the street from the taxi stand.
  • Fido Dido Supermarket - Many packaged and some refrigerated western goods, including bread and many types of biscuits and soft drinks. Customers themselves select items from shelves like in most Western supermarkets. Open Monday to Saturday 8.30 am until 8:00 pm, Sunday between 10.00 am – 1.00 pm.
Other Food Stores
Mali Juice - Next to the Cyber Centre, sells crates of Juice (24 bottles) for Tsh 6,000 (Tsh 5,000 deposit required for crate). Juice comes in a variety of flavors including Machenza, Machungwa, Nanasi, Limau, Matunda, and Maembe.

MAYAWA - (Maendeleo ya Wakulima), Mayawa is a farmers project, assisting farmers in Bukoba Rural District to improve their situation. The project advises farmers of improved farming techniques. One of its key goods is vanilla, which Mayawa buys from farmers. The project's shop can be found opposite the Lutheran Catheral and sells fresh oyster mushrooms (500g = Tsh 1,000) and vegetable seeds.
Office Supplies

  • Benny Bazaar - Many office supplies including stationery and computer supplies such as diskettes and ink cartridges.
  • Bukoba Printer
  • Four ways printing and stationeries
  • Kagera General Traders - Many office supplies including stationery, art supplies and diskettes. On the main street across from the market.
  • Migini Secretarial Services (SHABUKA) - One office is across from the market, and another is near the Lake Hotel. Sells many basic office supplies.
  • Sokwara Printers
  • Zahir Secretarial service

  • Bukoba Public Library - Near the NBC bank. Many books in English and Swahili, though many are old and musty. Good selection of African history and literature. To borrow books you need to become a member for about 5000/=.
  • ELCT Bookstore - Located in town near the Ismaili mosque. A variety of stationery, English and Swahili school books, office supplies and local handicrafts.
  • Roman Catholic (Mama wa Mkombozi) Bookstore - On Sokoine Street near the Net Pharmacy.
Bukoba Cyber CentreComputer Supplies and Services
Bukoba Cyber Centre - Repairs computers and sells computers and computer supplies, including floppy, CD-R and Zip disks, modems, printer cartridges, etc.

Danico - Sells office machines, computers and computer supplies and conducts inexpensive computer training. Has branches in Mwanza, Dar and Arusha. Other computer training centres – Dan Computer (near ELCT), Bukoba Computer Centre near the post office (run by Hussein of the Cyber Centre), Scientific Business Training Centre near the bus stand, and Computer Training Centre behind the market.
Film and photo processing

  • Shelui photo studio juxtaposed to Kagera studio a few meters from the second at the bus stand near West End round about.
  • Kagera Photo Studio (near Benny Bazaar)
  • Ponny photo studio (on the same road next to Danico)
  • New studio (along Kashozi road near Mutta Sawmills)
Petrol stations
There are 6 petrol stations in the town. One opposite the ELCT bookshop, on Kashozi Road near DANICO, one near Kanoni River on the road to Muleba, one near the West-End restaurant, one on Kashozi road in Kishenge area and one near Mulima garage along Kashozi road as well. These stations sells petrol, diesel, kerosenen and lubricants.
Celtel, Mobitel and Vodacom networks operate in Bukoba. Tanzania Telecommunications Company, Ltd. (TTCL) - Near the Nyumba ya Vijana and Red Cross (and has a tall tower). International phone calls from one of two phone lines. A fax to Europe is about 3500/= per page. Less busy in the late afternoon and evenings.
The Post office is near the NBC bank. It offers all basic postal services, you can rent your own post office box there (Tsh 10,000 a year, plus a key deposit), send parcels and send money (by EMS or Western Union Money Transfer)
Internet services
  • Post office internet café : has eight modern computers with USB and CD burners (Tsh 600 per hour, Monday – Friday 8 am and 8pm hours, Saturday 8 am – 6 pm, Sunday 10.30 am – 4 pm)
  • Bukoba Cyber Centre operates two internet cafes one in the town centre (you can also connect your laptop) and one internet café can be found opposite the CRDB bank (Tsh 500 per hour, Monday – Saturday 9 am – 8 pm, closed on Sunday). Cyber Centre also runs the Bukoba Online ISP.
  • ELCT Conference Centre has two computers with internet (using Bukoba Online, 1,000 an hour).
  • ZamZam Youth Friendly centre offers internet for Tsh 500 per hour.
Tanzania Telecommunications Company, Ltd. (TTCL) - Near the Nyumba ya Vijana and Red Cross (and has a tall tower). International phone calls from one of two phone lines. A fax to Europe is about 3500/= per page. Less busy in the late afternoon and evenings.
The Post office is near the NBC bank. It offers all basic postal services, you can rent your own post office box there (Tsh 10,000 a year, plus a key deposit), send parcels and send money (by EMS or Western Union Money Transfer)
Sporting facilitiesBukoba club
The Bukoba Club has tennis, snooker, table tennis and darts. Indians play cricket on the open grassy area near the Bukoba Club sometimes. The Kaitaba Stadium hosts football matches of Kagera Sugar and other events including concerts and the annual celebrations of Nane Nane (August 8, Farmers' Day). The Red Cross has a basketball court and the adjacent Nyumba ya Vijana has volleyball net. Walkgard Hotel has a swimming pool, Tsh 2,500 for a day pass. Zamzam Youth Friendly Centre – Newly established. has a basketball court and other in door sporting facilities.

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